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IPFL’s Case Study on CNC Machined Merchandise for Primordial Radio

Earring Design & CNC Machining for Primordial Radio

One of our longstanding talented CNC Machinists Jamie Cornish, set himself a task of creating something worthy of being sold as merchandise to promote Primordial Radio. Being rather passionate about the task, he begun programing some CAD data for custom jewellery incorporating the Primordial logo.

CNC machined jewellery

The Technical Part

Once the CAD had been programmed, Jamie, in his personal time machined some 3mm acrylic off cuts in various colours using IPFL’s in-house Datron CNC technology. He then proceeded to bead blast the machined parts to create a smooth surface finish, removing machining marks.

The final stage was adding the individual silver hooks by hand. (Credit here to Mrs Cornish) and then the Primordial Jewellery merchandise was born!

Outcome – Primodial Earrings!

They really were uniquely crafted by a passionate member of Primordial radio itself, and a very talented Programmer and CNC machinist.

One day, out of the blue, our man Jamie Cornish announced he had done a thing and the next thing you knew we had Primordial Earrings. Jamie hand made each pair on his own time using materials going spare at his work. In lieu of landfill, Jamie chose art. – Primordial Radio quotes

Available to purchase from the Primordial website

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